Day Two Of Three
Well, day two went well with a morning flight at 0800 to McArthur River, a fifeteen minute hop. We sat all day at the mine while enjoying plenty of food, coffee and entertainment. These mines are really a good day to spend the day, they have gymnasiums, weight gyms, billards, ping pong, internet, TV, and many other things to help pass the day away. Around 1600 we drove out to the airstrip and after a short wait, our passangers showed up and we flew off, low level, to the next mine, Cigar Lake, a quick 10 minute hop. Our passangers are spending the three days up here touring three mine sites, we are their transportation. But tonight instead of staying the night at Cigar, dispatch had us drop the pax of for the night and then pick up 5 other people at 3 different mines and take them to Saskatoon. Which is great because now I'm at home with my beautiful wife for the night. Tomorrow we head back up North to finish the job and bring our orginal 4 pax back down south.
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