Back in the Air!

Well, it's been awhile since I've sat in the sheepskin seat at the front of my plane. I hadn't flown since Feb 2nd, and then got to fly finally on Mar 2nd. A whole month off! I spent it fixing up our basement for the most part, my wife and I are hopefully going to get a renter down there. But finally the captian that I was waiting for to finish up his line-in-dock completed it and opened up the schedule for me to get flying.
My first flight back was a rig trip up to Conklin AB,CET2 , which was quite interesting. I was a little nervous about getting behind the yoke again after such a long time away and not much previous experiance, but for little reason as the flight went great. We departed Saskatoon, YXE, at 1030 local time and headed off into a bright and sunny day, which I was happy for because the flight planning was a lot easier when you don't have to worry about weather not letting you get in. The flight planning was pretty interesting also since CET2 is just north of Cold Lake, which has a bunch of restricted airspace that we couldn't fly through. So I ended up flight planning CYXE D> BOBNO D> N52 68 W111 17 (which was actually an abandon airport named Round Hill) D> CET2. This plan sent us south of Cold Lake to BOBNO, which is a high level airspace fix, then straight north to Round Hill and then back east to CET2. This allowed us to stay out of the airspace, and included changes in altitude from 16000' down to 6000' so we could stay under more protected airspace. It isn't often you do such a large 180degree turn in the air. So I'm sure I'll remember this flight for a long time. The trip went great and it was on the way home at 15000' when that great feeling of "I-love-this-job" came over me and got me excited about all the adventure ahead of me in my career. The photo is from, it's my real time track of my flight. I added in the waypoints, altitude and flight direction. If ever you'd like to see where I am go to and type in wew170 .
you live about ten minutes from me, and my sis in law has a blog as well, she is right in osler LOL< if you go to your profile and see that "osler" is blue, it will show all the people who have blogs and live in osler , lol just you and sponge bob, i think its cool to see another sask blogger, i am about to go back to my profile to click on "saskatchewan" to see how many sask bloggers there are! Your blog looks great , keep up the flight practice and fly safe!
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