All over Saskatchewan
Landing my plane in Saskatoon. Credit to Pat for the great pic.

Well it's been an interesting week, a very busy interesting week. I flew Monday to Friday this week and finished it off with a late night on friday. Around 12noon we departed Saskatoon empty and flew to Regina where we picked up four goverment employees and then proceeded to drop them off all in seperate towns. First it was to North Battleford where we shot the NDB approach for RWY12 to about a 1000 feet off the ground and landed in a roaring 20 knot wind. Then it was a quick 20 minute hop to Lloydminister where we also shot the NDB A approach, which is an approach just for a circling manouver to land in another roaring wind. We dropped off one more honourable and then made another 20 minute hop to Meadow Lake where the clouds weren't so low, so we did the visual approach but again landed in some crazy winds. We ended up sitting there for just about 2 hours while our last passenger went to town for a meeting. Well when he finally got back we took another 20minute ride to Ili' a la Crosse where we encountered our worst turbulance and wind of the day all the way to the ground, but after putting the plane safely down nice and firm, we dropped our last passanger off and headed off again. South bound this time, back to Saskatoon. We were flight planned for 17,000' back to 'Toon town but with no passangers and a light fuel load we came roaring up to 17,000' feet still in a 1300' per minute climb, which normally is slowed down to 700' a minute. So we got clearance up to Flight Level 210, where we quickly got to and settled in for a 25 min cruise before the decent to Saskatoon. The cruise back was peaceful, no passangers, no turbulance and a beautiful sunset to watch all the way back. By the time we landed in another stiff head wind it was dark out. We taxied back to the hanger where we cleaned up the plane and than sat to wait about two hours before picking up the Lietenant govenor of Saskatchewan and giving her a ride back to Regina. We landed in Regina about 11pm and said goodbye to our passenger. By the time we taxied back to RWY13 Regina tower had shut down and Regina radio was in operation, we got stuck holding short of RWY13 while Jazz, Peace Air and Messsaba landed. Which was interesting b/c Jazz's CRJ 705 landed on 13 at precisly at the same moment Peace Air's JetStream 31 landed on 08 to hold short of 13. Which last time I checked Regina wasn't certified for LAHSO (Land and Hold Short Of) operations. But I guess maybe rules change when the Radio's up for the night. Anyhow after a good 15 to 20 minute hold we got our IFR clearance and took off of RWY13 back to Saskatoon. The ride went well and only a slight bounce in the landing with the wind at 21 gusting 29 in Toon Town. Bye the time I got home that night it was 0100 Saturday morning, Sure was happy it was Saturday.
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