Friday, June 02, 2006

Inflight Show

Sitting on 20'000 feet of air, with all systems working smoothly and bright blue skies outside is a relaxing feeling. We've been in the air for an hour and have almost another one to go before we arrive home in Saskatoon. We've spent the night at a mine camp in Northern Saskatchewan.

I was able to pick up company traffic, an ATR 42, on TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) and then find them visually at about 3000' below us and 5 miles off our right wing. They just had got their descent clearance from Winnipeg Center for La Ronge airport. I got to watch them from 47 miles north of La Ronge all the way to thier touch down on RWY18 at La Ronge. That was pretty cool. Although as they got lower they became merely a white dot on the vast streches of northern forest, but still very cool. I could even see their shadow on the ground as they where on final. What a crystal clear day. Wish I would've remembered to bring my camera so I could've gotten a cool picture for this blog. O-well, next time.

We should be in Saskatoon by 1330 and so far it looks like I have the rest of the 30 degree day off and it's friday to boot. I'm looking forward to home. I haven't seen my lovely wife for one whole night, so that kinda multiplies the excitement of getting home.


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