Enroute Thoughts
95 miles South of Collins Bay, SK
Flight Level 210
Ground Speed 222 kts
0810 Local Time
We've been in the air for an hour and 14 minutes now, it's 12 more minutes to the KEVBO intersection where we'll make a ten degree turn to the left and then only 80 more miles to our destination, Collins Bay.
We just got out of the soup (clouds/weather) about 20 minutes ago, it's blue skies above now, but not for long, there's a solid layer of clouds sitting over our destination. I didn't have the best sleep last night, so I'm a little tired. Two cups of coffee helped a bit, but that causes other problems when your stuck in the air for 2 hours with no washroom aboard...
The weather at Collins Bay is received. Ceiling is between 550' to 750' AGL (above ground level), 3 miles visibilty. Looks like we'll be doing the RNAV approach onto RWY 02, the approach will allow us to come down to 519' AGL. We should make it in, but we'll be going down to minimums, it's been a while since I've shot an approach, should be fun.
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