Scattered Cloud Over Northern Saskatchewan
Well, the trip ended in very interesting fashion that only charter flying can offer. In the beginning, I was to fly out of Saskatoon at 1315 empty up to Cigar Lake to pick up the four pax we had left up there for the night. Well about 1030 Friday morning I got the call from dispatch asking me too come in ASAP, the reason being was we had a company plane in La Ronge that had had smoke smelt in the cabin while in flight and so where on the ground and in need of maintaince. And La Ronge is right on the way to Cigar and we were suppose to be empty on the way up so we could make a quick stop there and drop off a couple of maintaince engineers.
So I made the trip into Saskatoon about an hour early then we were planning and we were airborn by 1230 with 2 maintaince engineers in the back. We were half way to La Ronge when Dispatch again called us, this time on company frequency and told us that instead of going straight to Cigar after La Ronge, make a stop in Key Lake (20 minutes from Cigar) and pick up two extra passangers to bring along back to Saskatoon. So once on the ground in La Ronge we made the neccessary revisions to our flight plan and were then off to Key Lake to pick up two.
The adventure goes on, we got to Key and greeted our first passenger (while waiting for the other to show up), I happen to say something like "so you get to come down to Saskatoon for the weekend, eh?". Well, we should have expected this, when he said 'Actually I think you guys are suppose to drop me off in Prince Albert". O. Well we quickly called up Dispatch and confirmed it with them, and then for the 3rd time that day, called up Flight Services and ammended our flight plan.
Soon we were on our way to Cigar Lake with two on board, and four more to pick up. Or so we thought, but before we landed we were informed that there was actually gonna be 5 now out of Cigar. Wow, Luckily we didn't take an excessive amount of fuel out of Saskatoon and were able to easily cope with all the extra weight while still able to make the extra legs also.
We took off out of Cigar Lake with an almost full load and started too make our way up to FL190 for the trip to P.A. We got a hold of Edmonton Radio on the Wolleston DRCO (Dial up remote communications outlet) and asked them to open our IFR flight plan and for clearance into high level airspace. Well it seems we had confused them with all of our changes to our flight plan and they were unable to clear us up into high level airspace, so we had to get a hold of Winnipeg Center when we got high enough to pick up reception on our radios. Eventually we got the clearance, and leveled off at FL190 for Prince Albert.
We had no more changes to the flight and ended our day in Saskatoon at 1830. The weather was a soft 15degrees Celcius when we walked back to the hanger and finished up the paper work. Our trip is over, as well as our week, I'm looking forward to a slow weekend.
Final Collins Bay