Sun & Moon

It's homeward bound at the days end. Through the broken glass on my wrist watch I'm seeing the small hand on seven and the bigger hand around the four mark, telling me it's about 7:20, PM that is. I scroll through the pages on the GPS till I find the Sunset/Sunrise page and punch in C-Y-X-E. It's tells me that sunset is going to be in about ten minutes, that mean official night time starts at around 8:00, one half hour after sunset. We're going to be arriving in Saskatoon in 55 minutes, that means we'll be logging between 10 to 15 minutes of night time in our log books tonight.
The sun has reached the horizon on my side of the plane when the moon starts to peak his round head over the earth's curvature out the captains window. It's a neat sight as the moon is still below the horizon for anyone standing on the ground beneath us. But at 25,000 feet, we get an exclusive first peak. It is a pale pinkish blue colour, sitting lonely in a soft blue-white sky. I haven't seen it like this before, luckily I'm able to catch this 'moon birth' on film, well on about a million 1's and 0's, as I'm using a digital camera...sorry, got technical, we'll stick with film, sounds better.
The Sun Setting Out The Right Window

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