Monday, July 24, 2006

Back in the 100

Large mountains of white tumbled cloud fill my window as we fly through the sky at 230 knots. The sky is alive with wind swept plains of strato-cumulus clouds which rush up to meet the towering alto-cumulus. There are the dark feared towers of the rain loaded thunder storms that stretch upwards of 43,000 feet today, casting a shadow on us as we zip close by it at 17,000 feet. I'm in the King Air 100 today, it's been awhile since I've flown it and I can really notice the less power and stability of it in the climb. The 100 has about 2 feet less wing on each side of the plane which you really notice in flight as the plane is not a stable as the long winged 200, also you notice it when landing the planes, the King Air 200 really likes to float down the runway with the extra lift created by the wing. But all in all, I'm happy to go flying any day in any one of the two, they're both great airplanes.


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