Sand Dunes

The altimiter needle is racing counter clockwise as we decend down through 15,000 feet. Our destination is still 40 miles ahead of us, as we come up on the Athabaska Sand Dunes, huge sandy areas spread out on either side of us, showing a different side to the dark green North. The sand dunes cover an area greater than 800 square miles and sit on the south side of lake Athabaska, a rare sight. We're a little high to see the intrict detail of the wind swept scape but it's still neat to see something I've always dreamt about seeing. A click of the camera and then it's back to work, we're gonna be crossing over the runway and then, according to the wind chose a downwind for the runway. Torgue is back at 800lbs a side, approach flap selected, airspeed 150 knots ready to turn downwind...
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