Autumn up North

Well it's been back on the ol' flying pony for me. I worked a solid seven days this week due to being on call last weekend. A lot of it was up north to the mines, including one over night. Only one out of the province trip to a fishing lodge in northern Manitoba. I was really impressed with the land up there. The ground was made up of sand and sand and more sand, not a spot of dirt seen. And with more poplar trees and very few evergreens (which so commonly cover the North) you could see the hand of autumn on the land. Beautiful bright colors of yellow, red, orange and green stood out everywhere. Gentle hills, bright blue lakes and open sandy spaces made up the terrain. I've never cared to own my own plane but after seeing this place I started considering buying a small plane of my own so that I might be able fly up here on occasion to fish, camp, hike and hunt. Ahh, what a wonderful thought, too bad I'm not a lawyer pilot, or a doctor pilot that could afford such a sweet deal. But maybe someday...I guess another goal to add to my list...
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