Quiet Morning

I'm in the North, at least 60 miles from the nearest civilization. Level at 8000 feet and flying even further northward. It's early morning, still dark. The radios are eerily quite, I'm thinking I'm the only one up here this morning so far. The air is so quiet broken only by the noise of the twin 325 horse powered Continentals, droning on and on till you don't really hear them anymore. I'm hearing a faint howling scream every now and then. I don't know if it's in my mind or the wind rushing 195 mph past the cabin. But it defiantly sets even a lonelier feeling to the already empty plane. I'm flying single pilot today and my lone passenger is snoozing in the back, all light are out except for the warm glow of my instruments. It's almost spooky. My comfort is the warm blast of heat off the forward heater, blowing on my legs from under the dash, along with my lite up instrument panel. 160 NM to go.