Smooth Air

I'm up at 16'000 feet, just finished enjoying a cup of coffee and a cookie. The sun is beating through the window and the scattered layer of clouds 10'000 feet below offer glimpses of a beautiful Autumn afternoon down on earth. It's relaxing.
I've forgotten how relaxing it can be when you get up high above the bumps and weather. I got checked out on the Cessna 402 about 3 months ago and that has been the only thing I've flown in the past two weeks. Although I really enjoy the plane and the challenges of single pilot IFR, getting a break from flying in the weather down at 6'000 feet is nice. The low rumble of the turbines and smooth upper atmosphere are great for putting a guy in a mentally and physically
relaxed state. Unlike what I was trudging through just yesterday with the C402 that provide a little to rough for a few of my passengers and I ended up with a collection of used sick bags in the back. Not to mention a queer smell for the rest of the trip!
Anyways, time to start thinking about the final descent of the day, it's only a few minutes ahead...