BC Bound
The sun still was sitting below the horizen when we blasted off of runway 27, cutting through a thick layer of low stratus clouds on our way up to FL200. The King Air performed handsomely up to about 16000 ft where it started to dog abit in the thin air. We scraped it up to FL200 and then decided that that was a complete waste of time since the winds weren't doing us any favours. We called up Winnipeg Centre and asked to go back down to 16,000. Soon enough though we were settled and leaving Saskatoon behind with Fort Nelson BC in the KLN90B GPS flight plan as our destination with a stop in Red Deer AB to pick up some passengers. It was 2.5 hours to Ft. Nelson(YYE) from Red Deer(YQF). The weather is down to 400' AGL (above ground), looks like it'll be the straight in (b/c of our GPS) ILS 03 approach into YYE. The approach was done smoothly and we were on the ground, we excorted our passengers to the "FBO", if you can call it that, it was more like an Atco trailer with a fuel bowser parked in front of it, no markings or anything. But I guess it was still better than alot of places out there. After re-fueling, paying, watching a fight between a drunk miner and the FBO operater, we found our four passengers amoungst the crowded place and boarded our plane. A bit of a hold for RWY 21 while a Twin Otter landed and then we were off back to YQF to drop one passenger off and taste the +7C temp before heading home to Saskatoon and the cold weather that is Saskatchewans best friend for 8 months of the year. The flight home was smooth and we ended up doing a contact approach onto RWY33 and holding short of RWY27. The walk back to the hanger felt good it had been over a 10 hour duty day with more than 8 hours of it spent flying. A good first day on the job.