Sunday, March 11, 2007

Wild Dogs

I'm sitting in a small, fairly worn ATCO trailer that is lined with well seasoned chairs on each wall facing one another. One end of the room has the check in counter with the only freshly painted thing in the room, a brightly painted sign of the airline that is in current residence of the building. While the other end of the room has two doors, one leading to a small washroom and the other a storage closet. This end of the room is also occupied with a lonely looking coffee pot and a large heater off the wall. I'm snuggled between the blasting heat and a cup of black gold, no not the Beverly Hillbillies gold. The temperature north of 59 degrees today is well south of -30 Celsius. The chills of this mornings engine tenting are finally leaving me as I take another sip of the warmth and pull back from the heater. A sign across the room on the bulletin board makes me smile. Not because I'm an dog hater, but cause it's about as straight forwardly said as possible...

"NOTICE. Any dogs running loose will be destroy starting February 1, 2007."

I sit back and ponder over my coffee of all the ways to destroy dogs, instead of just simply shooting them. My mind quickly wanders from dogs to cats... I like dogs.


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