Warmth and Dumbo

15 minutes ago on the ground in Saskatoon we had picked up the ATIS (automated terminal information system) to get the latest weather for the airport. One of the things that came off the monotone male voice was the temperature, a balmy -10 degrees Celsius. What a nice break from the cold -30 degree snap that been punishing us for the last two weeks. I'm wanting to pull out the ol' BBQ and sandals it feels so good.
Now though the OAT (outside air temp) is back down to -25 as we soar upwards through 15'000 feet for our cruising altitude of FL190 (19,000 ft). Our rate of climb is already down to 600' feet/minute, thanks to the full load of 8 passengers and 160 pounds of cargo. The sky is starting to brighten in the East as we climb above the last layer of broken clouds. I can see a brightly lit town through a hole, it passes by slowly, looking sleepy and quiet. This reminds me of the old movie Dumbo the Flying Elephant when he is being carried across the night sky in a blanket by the kind pelican. Now that's an old memory...
Wicked picture Jade !
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